ALL OK PROJECTでも、「パズルチャレンジ!世界を変えたニコリパズル・Zoomイベント」ということで、2020年10月25日(日)にイベントをやらせていただきました。これも、鍜治社長からのお声がけをきっかけとしたものでした。
代表取締役社長 安福良直
東京都立石神井高校卒 慶應義塾大学国文科中退
1980年代中ごろ、アメリカのパズル雑誌に載っていたパズル「ナンバープレース(Number Place)」を、「数字は独身に限る」と命名して『パズル通信ニコリ』誌上で紹介。「数字は独身に限る」は「数独」と名前を縮めて単行本化され、日本国内で地道に人気を上げていった。
日本では2006年ごろに逆輸入される形でブームに。命名者の鍜治氏は、“Godfather of Sudoku(数独の父)”として世界を駆け回り、行く先々で人々に数独やパズルの面白さを伝えてきた。数独は世界大会も開かれており、おそらく世界の100カ国以上で、2億人以上に遊ばれていると推定されるが、鍜治氏はそのうちの30カ国以上を訪れている。
エピソード➀ 2007年3月、ニューヨークタイムズに取り上げれたときについて、著書『数独はなぜ世界でヒットしたか』で鍜治氏は以下のように書いている。
うれしかったのは「すばらしい失敗」(Brilliant Mistake)と書かれていたことだ。開かれたマーケットだったからこそ、数独はここまでヒットしたのだと。たしかにそのとおりだと思う。皮肉でもあったのかもしれない。けれど「Like Zen」「Brilliant Mistake」という言葉は、僕にとって最大級の誉め言葉だった。>
エピソード➁ 鍜治氏は晩年、「『数独の父』では死にたくない。死んだときに『日本でパズルというジャンルを確立させた』と書かれたい。今死ぬと『数独の父』になってしまうから、もっとパズルの楽しさを広めたい」と話していた。
エピソード③ 2017年に、鍜治氏が東日本大震災で岩手県大槌町の仮設住宅で暮らすお年寄りから「問題が難しすぎる」と言われたことがあった。簡単な問題を持って行くと、そのお年寄りは長い間考え込んだ後解けると、達成感から笑顔になった。鍜治氏はその様子を見て感動したという。それまでは簡単な問題集は需要がないと思っていたが、このことがきっかけで、『じぃじとばぁば ようこそ数独!』を発売するようになった。現在は小学生向けの問題集も出版している。
しかしなんと言っても、最大の功績は「数独」を見いだしたことです。1980年代に、アメリカのパズル雑誌の片隅に載っていた「Number Place」というパズルに注目し、「数字は独身に限る」と命名して『パズル通信ニコリ』に掲載。その後、このパズルは略称の「数独」で単行本化されてファン層を広げ、2004年秋にロンドンの新聞に掲載されたことをきっかけに世界的ブームに。日本にも逆輸入される形で大ヒットしました。
鍜治さんは数独ブームのおかげで、“Godfather of Sudoku(数独の父)”と呼ばれ、世界中を駆け回る日々が数年続きました。外国語はあまり話せなかったと思いますが、だれとでも打ち解けてしまう性格で世界中に友人を作り、行く先々でパズルの面白さを広めました。どんな人とも友だちになれて、いっしょに遊べる人間性は、唯一無二なものかと思います。
In Loving Memory of
Maki Kaji, “Godfather of Sudoku”
The Founder and Former CEO of Nikoli Co., Ltd.
Nikoli Co., Ltd.
CEO Yoshinao Anpuku
Contact: Igarashi
Maki Kaji, who spread the love of puzzles in the world as “Godfather of Sudoku,” passed away at 10:54 PM on August 10, 2021 at home in Mitaka, Tokyo. The cause of death was bile duct cancer. He was 69 years old. He was survived by his wife, Naomi and two daughters. Nikoli will hold a memorial gathering and will announce at Nikoli’s URL.
Profile of Maki Kaji:
Maki was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido on October 8, 1951.
He graduated from Ishikamii High School in Tokyo. He dropped out of Keio University.
Maki worked at a printing company and started a puzzle magazine called, “Puzzle Tsushin Nikoli” with his two childhood friends. It was the first puzzle magazine ever published in Japan. “Puzzle Tsushin Nikoli” is a reader participation based magazine where we train our readers to become puzzle authors/creators and have created a few hundred new puzzles.
As a reader participation based magazine, Nikoli’s readers become not only solvers but also authors/creators to submit their puzzles for publishing. Nikoli’s current 400 authors consist of students, housewives/househusbands, business people ranging from teens to eighties.
In 1983, Maki founded Nikoli Co., Ltd. and became CEO. Since then, he continued publishing book series such as “Pencil Puzzle Books” and “Puzzle the Giant,” which contributed to creating puzzle sections at bookstores. He established a new service by providing custom puzzles to newspapers and magazines. Nikoli currently provides its original puzzles to more than 80 media companies and ten companies abroad.
In the mid 1980’s, Maki found “Number Place” in the American puzzle magazine and named the puzzle, “Numbers should be single, a bachelor.” He started publishing it in “Puzzle Tsushin Nikoli.” It gained popularity steadily in Japan. Sudoku is the puzzle where you put numbers 1 through 9 in 3 x 3 blocks without repeating the same number. Maki brainstormed, “a single digit, only once, bachelor,...” and named it “numbers should be a bachelor, unmarried.”
In 2004, a Sudoku fan from New Zealand, pitched it to Times, a newspaper in England. Once SUDOKU was published, it became a world craze in the Western world.
In Japan, it was reimported and became a craze around 2006. Maki started traveling around the world as Godfather of Sudoku and shared the love of Sudoku and other puzzles. Sudoku Championships have been held across the globe, and it is estimated that more than 200 million people in 100 countries have solved it. Maki has visited more than 30 countries.
In 2006, the Japanese edition of Newsweek chose Maki as one of the 100 Japanese respected in the world. He was interviewed by Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Yukan Fuji, Shukan Bunshun, Shukan Toyo Kezai, New York Times and other media in the world.
He became a board member of Nikoli as of August 1, 2021. His book titles include “I went to horse racing tracks in Uruguay when I said I would go to a bookstore” and “Why Sudoku became a world craze.”
In “Why Sudoku became a world craze,” Maki mentioned about an interview by New York Times in March, 2007.
The article, “Maki Kaji, Godfather of Sudoku,” was the first front page article in its business section to feature a Japanese person. I was interviewed because Sudoku became a mega hit in England and the U.S. What the media was most interested in was the fact that Sudoku was not trademarked except in Japan. Nikoli could have gained revenues with its exclusive use but it didn’t. The writer said, “it seems like the world of Zen.” What made me happy was that the writer said it was a “Brilliant Mistake.” Since it was an open market, Sudoku gained this magnitude of popularity. I agree with it. Maybe it was an irony, but the words, “Like Zen” and “Brilliant Mistake,” were beautiful and wonderful compliments for me.
Another episode on Maki is that, with an interview in his late years, he said, “I don’t want to die as the Godfather of Sudoku. I want to die as a person who established the puzzle genre in Japan. If I die now, I will die as the Godfather of Sudoku. I like to spread the love and joy of puzzles much more.”
In 2017, a senior who lives in temporary housing because of the earthquake in Otsuki, Iwate, told Maki, “your Sudoku is too difficult.” Maki brought an easy Sudoku with him next time. The senior worked on it for a long time, and when he solved it, he had a beautiful smile. Maki was so inspired by the scene. He had thought there was no demand for easy Sudoku. Maki decided to publish, “Grandma and Grandpa, Welcome to Sudoku!” Maki then continued publishing Sudoku books for children in elementary schools.
Comments by Yoshinao Anpuku, CEO at Nikoli Co., Ltd.
Maki Kaji published “Puzzle Tsushin Nikoli” in 1980 and founded Nikoli Co., Ltd. in 1983. “Puzzle Tsushin Nikoli” was the first puzzle magazine in Japan. Since then, Maki has published a number of puzzle series books such as Pencil Puzzle Books and contributed to the creation of puzzle sections at bookstores.
“Puzzle Tsushin Nikoli” is a reader participation based magazine where we train our readers to become puzzle authors/creators (I was one of them) and have created a few hundred new puzzles. Maki made Nikoli a company which publishes “handcrafted and fun solving pencil puzzles.” We are blessed to be recognized as a fun and engaging puzzle company by puzzle lovers in the world. Another contribution he has made in increasing a puzzle fan base is that Nikoli provides custom puzzles to the newspaper and magazines.
The biggest contribution, however, is that Maki discovered Sudoku. In 1980’s, Maki found “Number Place” in the American puzzle magazine and named the puzzle, “Numbers should be single, a bachelor” and started publishing it in “Puzzle Tsushin Nikoli.” Later on, this popular puzzle became separate volumes and known as Sudoku. In the fall of 2004, Sudoku was published in a newspaper in London and became a world craze. It was reimported in Japan and became a big hit as well.
Maki was known as “Godfather of Sudoku” and has traveled around the world for many years. He wasn’t fluent in other languages but has always made friends with his open-minded personality and shared his love for puzzles. His unique and playful approach toward life has attracted many people around him.
Maki’s vision was to spread Nikoli’s puzzles in the world and planning to launch a new puzzle business. Our mission is to pursue Maki’s vision and possibilities.